9:30 AM - 9:55 AM
○Tsunehiko Higuchi1 (1. Grad Sch Pharm Sci, Nagoya City Univ.)
Mon. Mar 29, 2021 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM [Room D] Oral Presentation D (Online)
Organizer: Higuchi Tsunehiko (Nagoya City University), Komeda Seiji (Fac Pharm Sci, Suzuka Univ.)
Copper is imminent metal contacting than daily life as ingredients of money and an electric wire, brass and bronze. Copper is also one of the main transition metal. This element is the trace element which is essential to the animals and plants as an active center of many enzymes and a signal, playing various roles in vivo function. On the other hand, recently, a number of studies have revealed that copper should be related to the many diseases including a neurodegenerative disease and cancer. As for copper ion, connection with the oxidation stress is discussed to produce reactive oxygen species by a reaction with hydrogen peroxide like an iron (II) ion. Therefore, this symposium would help for future study concerning copper by overlooking the big picture by making copper a topic from plural viewpoints. At first it begins in a copper chemical characteristic and gives outline about molecules controlling the basics of reactive oxygen species, oxidation stress to be concerned with of the copper ion, connection with the carcinogenesis. Next lecture will give the development of the fluorescent probe detecting intracellular copper(I). Furthermore, next two lectures will give about nerve cells injury caused by copper. We aim at performing general discussion helpful for the development to drug discovery, life sciences concerning future copper studies.
9:30 AM - 9:55 AM
○Tsunehiko Higuchi1 (1. Grad Sch Pharm Sci, Nagoya City Univ.)
9:55 AM - 10:20 AM
○Masayasu Taki1 (1. WPI-ITbM, Nagoya Univ.)
10:20 AM - 10:45 AM
○Hirokazu Hara1 (1. Gifu Pharm. Univ.)
10:45 AM - 11:10 AM
○Masahiro Kawahara1, Midori Negishi1, Ken-ichiro Tanaka1 (1. Dept. of Pharmacy, Musashino Univ.)
総合討論:米田 誠治(鈴鹿医療大薬) (11:10 AM - 11:30 AM)
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