The 141st Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (Hiroshima)

Session information


[S37] Current status of Nagai Memorial Pharmaceutical Research Encouragement Support Project and Message from Recipients

Mon. Mar 29, 2021 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM [Room H] Oral Presentation H (Online)

Organizer: Sajiki Hironao (Gifu Pharmaceutical Univ.), Hosoya Ken-ichi (Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci. Toyama Univ.), Matsuda Tadashi (Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci. Hokkaido Univ.)

The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan aims to foster pharmaceutical researchers who have a strong will to obtain a Ph. D. and contribute to pharmaceutical sciences development. Since 2015, we have been promoting Nagai Memorial Research Scholarship from the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan to assist members of the Society in securing an environment where they can concentrate on graduate school research to obtain a degree. Five years have passed since the start of the Project. Some OBs and OGs who received the Support are now active as pharmaceutical researchers.
In this symposium, first, Prof. Yoshinobu Takakura, President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, will give a lecture focusing on the purpose, significance, history, and philosophy of Nagai Memorial Research Scholarship from the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. Subsequently, we will receive a presentation with each experience and thought from a wide-angle from a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan whoever received the Support and a degree and is currently active as a researcher. By doing so, we can verify the Nagai Memorial Research Scholarship from the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. Finally, Mr. Shigeki Sasaki, the next presidential candidate of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, will give a summary of “Outline of this project and future goals.”

趣旨説明:佐治木 弘尚(岐阜薬大(長井記念薬学研究奨励特別委員会 委員長)) (9:30 AM - 9:35 AM)




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