The 141st Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (Hiroshima)

Presentation information

Poster Presentation

(C) Biochemistry

[27P02] 薬理学①

Sat. Mar 27, 2021 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM [Room P02] Poster Presentation (Online)

[27P02-110S] PGE2 may alter metabolic system in colon cancer cells

○Kiyoka Matsumoto1, Yuki Nakano1, Hiroki Takahashi2, Yoko Kusuya2, Toshihiko Murayama3, Keijo Fukushima1, Hiromichi Fujino1 (1. Pharmacol. Life Sci. Grad. Sch. Pharmaceutical Sci., Tokushima Univ., 2. Med. Mycol. Res. Cent., Chiba Univ., 3. Lab. Chem. Pharmacol. Grad. Sch. Pharmaceutical Sci., Chiba Univ.)

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