The 141st Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (Hiroshima)

Presentation information

Oral Presentation

(C) Biochemistry

[27V08-pm] タンパク質・その他

Sat. Mar 27, 2021 3:15 PM - 5:51 PM [Room V08] Oral Presentation 8 (Online)

座長:伊藤 昭博(東京薬大生命)、山下 敦子(岡山大院医歯薬)

3:51 PM - 4:03 PM

[27V08-pm13S] Replacement efficacy of human CTSA derived from TG silkworm cocoons on visceral organs in murine galactosialidosis model

○Yoshie Takeuchi1, Hideki Sezutsu3,5, Isao Kobayashi3,5, Megumi Sumiya-Kasashima3,5, Kenichiro Tatematsu3,5, Tetsuya Iizuka3,5, Takashi Kinoshita4, Ai Mitani4, Koji Itoh1,2,5 (1. Facult. of Pharmacy, 2. Grad. Sch. of Pharmaceut. Sci, 3. NARO, 4. FUSHIMI Pharmaceut. Co. Ltd, 5. SeriRevo PT)

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