The 141st Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (Hiroshima)

Presentation information

Oral Presentation

(C) Biochemistry

[28V08-pm] 免疫・生体防御②、その他

Sun. Mar 28, 2021 1:15 PM - 3:15 PM [Room V08] Oral Presentation 8 (Online)

座長:肥田 重明(名市大院薬)、川島 博人(千葉大院薬)

2:03 PM - 2:15 PM

[28V08-pm05] Investigation of the preventive effect of specific wavelength of ultraviolet B on atherosclerosis and its mechanism of action

○Toru Tanaka1, Naoto Sasaki1, Sara Nishimura1, Hanano Ido1, Yuma Yamaguchi1, Yuki Takeoka1, Momoka Nakamura1, Yuka Hamada1, Hilman Zulkifli Amin1, Sayo Horibe1, Ken-ichi Hirata2, Yoshiyuki Rikitake1 (1. Kobe Pharmaceutical Univ., 2. Grad. Sch. Med., Kobe Univ.)

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