The 141st Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (Hiroshima)

Presentation information

Oral Presentation

(E) Biopharmaceutics

[28V10-pm] 製剤試験/院内製剤/TDM・投与設計

Sun. Mar 28, 2021 4:39 PM - 6:03 PM [Room V10] Oral Presentation 10 (Online)

座長:花田 和彦(明治薬大)、戸田 貴大(北海道科学大薬)

5:39 PM - 5:51 PM

[28V10-pm23S] Application of artificial neural networks to predict drug blood concentrations

○Chika Ogami1, Yasuhiro Tsuji2, Hiroto Seki3, Hiroyuki Hosono3, Yoshiaki Matsumoto2, Hideto To1 (1. Grad. Sch. Med. Pharm Sci., Univ. Toyama, 2. Sch. Pharm., Nihon Univ., 3. Col. Sci. Tech., Nihon Univ.)

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