The 141st Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (Hiroshima)

Presentation information


[GS05] Nothing seek, nothing find. --Where is molecular imaging heading?--

Mon. Mar 29, 2021 1:15 PM - 3:15 PM [Room E] Oral Presentation E (Online)

Organizer: Nakajima Kohei (Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.), Kaide Sho (Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Kyoto Univ.)

2:33 PM - 2:51 PM

[GS05-5] Development of probes for theranostics with tumor-targeting peptides

○Hiroaki Echigo1, Kenji Mishiro2, Saki Hirata1, Koushin Washiyama3, Kazuhiro Takahashi3, Kazuhiro Shiba4, Seigo Kinuya1, Kazuma Ogawa1,2 (1. Grad. Sch. Med. Sci., Kanazawa Univ., 2. InFiniti., Kanazawa Univ., 3. Fukushima Med. Univ., 4. Adv. Sci., Kanazawa Univ.)

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