Annual Meeting on Photochemistry 2022

Presentation information

Oral Presentation

Oral Session 11

Tue. Sep 13, 2022 9:40 AM - 11:40 AM RoomC (Room C)

9:40 AM - 10:00 AM

[1C01] Realization of highly-efficient luminescence of a Eu(III) complex by utilizing triplet-sensitized host-guest films

Shiori MIYAZAKI1, Kiyoshi MIYATA1, Yuichi KITAGAWA2,3, Kenichi GOUSHI4, Chihaya ADACHI4, Yasuchika HASEGAWA2,3, *Ken Onda1 (1. Fac. of Sci., Kyushu Univ., 2. Fac. of Eng., Hokkaido Univ., 3. WPI-ICReDD, Hokkaido Univ., 4. OPERA, Kyushu Univ.)

Keywords:Lanthanide ion, host-guest film, energy transfer

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