The 21st Annual Meeting of the Protein Science Society of Japan

Session information


[WS1] New trends of protein science in multimolecular crowding biosystems

Wed. Jun 16, 2021 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM Channel 1

Organizers: Itaru Hamachi (Kyoto Univ.), Akio Ojida (Kyushu Univ.)

共催:新学術領域 分子夾雑の生命化学

Proteins function under multimolecular crowding biosystems such as cells and biological tissues, in which many biomolecules are mixed in a complex and exist at high concentration. In this symposium, we introduce the new molecular tools and technologies, which are useful for structure and functional analyses, and functional control of proteins exisiting under the complicated biolgical sysytems. We also discuss future trends of protein science exploting these useful tools and technilogies.