


[1FT-2] 計算科学・情報科学 (1P-28~1P-47)

2021年6月16日(水) 14:00 〜 14:30 チャンネル2

座長:木下 賢吾(東北大学)、奥村 久士(生命創成探究センター)

[1P-39*] 分子シミュレーションを用いた、オレキシン 2 受容体の動的性質の研究

横井 駿, 光武 亜代理 (明治大・物理)

Orexinergic systems which comprise two peptide ligands, orexin-A and -B, and two G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), orexin1 receptor (OX1R) and orexin2 receptor (OX2R), are involved in regulation of sleep wake rhythm etc. Such kinds of neurological process are caused by the GPCRs activation. It's a process where the ligand binding stabilizes the receptor conformation that allows for the G protein binding and the downstream signaling. However the mechanism of the activation remains unknown. Here, we investigated the dynamics of wild-type and mutants that are in the stable inactive state or the constitutively active by performing long-time all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. We performed over twenty several microsecond MD simulations of the wild-type and the mutants of the OX2R to extract the characteristics of the structural changes taking place in the active state. In this poster, we first show the results of the MD simulations and investigate the dynamics of the OX2R. Then, we discuss the implications in the activation of the GPCRs.