Quantum Beam Science Festa FY2022

Presentation information

Poster session

Poster Presentation

Poster session 2

Wed. Mar 15, 2023 1:45 PM - 2:30 PM Poster area (Multi-Purpose Hall & Room 101,102)

1:45 PM - 2:30 PM

[P-132L] リンK殻共鳴励起によるEGFP発現プラスミドDNAの損傷と細胞内における修復
EGFP plasmid DNA damage induced by phosphorus K-resonance excitation and its cellular repair

*Yui Obata1,2, Akari Kinase1, Akinari Yokoya2,1 (1. 茨城大院 理工 Ibaraki Univ., Inst. Quantum Beam Science, 2. 量研 量子生命科学研究所 QST, Institute for Quantum Life Science)

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