Symposium on Applied Engineering and Sciences (SAES2020)


Poster Session (Biological Sciences)

Poster(Biological Sciences 3)

2020年12月16日(水) 15:00 〜 17:00 Poster1 (Online)

15:00 〜 17:00

[B-P3-06] Estimating Time of Concentration based on Radioisotope Technique in Small Agricultural Catchment (C000175)

*Geoffery James Gerusu1, Lakam Anak Mejus2 (1. Department of Forestry Science, Faculty of Agricultural Science and Forestry, UPM Bintulu Sarawak Campus, Bintulu, Sarawak, MALAYSIA, 2. Waste & Environmental Technology Division , Malaysian Nuclear Agency, MALAYSIA)

キーワード:tracer technique, empirical equation, graphical method, oil palm catchment, Time of Concentration