Symposium on Applied Engineering and Sciences (SAES2020)

Presentation information

Poster Session (Material Science and Applied Engineering)

Poster(Material Science and Applied Engineering 1)

Tue. Dec 15, 2020 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Poster2 (Online)

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

[M-P1-14] Improving the efficacy of the photoanode layer using a nanocomposite of TiO2-G/CuO in Dye sensitised solar cells (C000284)

*Hussein A. AlSultan1, Suhaidi Shafie2, Shyam S Pandey2, Nizar Hamidon1 (1. UPM, 2. Kyutech)

Keywords:CuO, TiO2, Graphene, Photoanode, Method, DSSC