Symposium on Applied Engineering and Sciences (SAES2020)

Presentation information

Poster Session (Material Science and Applied Engineering)

Poster(Material Science and Applied Engineering 1)

Tue. Dec 15, 2020 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Poster2 (Online)

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

[M-P1-19] Physical Properties of Deproteinized Natural Rubber Latex Foam (C000235)

*Roslim Ramli1,2,3, Chai Ai Bao1, Shamsul Kamaruddin2, Davide De Focatiis3, Ho Je Hou1 (1. Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Nottingham Malaysia, 2. Technology and Engineering Division, Malaysian Rubber Board, 3. Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham)

Keywords:Deproteinized Natural Rubber Latex, Latex Foam, Physical Properties, Morphological Structures