緩和・支持・心のケア 合同学術大会2020

Presentation information


[IS_55] アジアにおける意思決定とアドバンス・ケア・プランニングACP in Asia - differences and similarities focusing on Autonomy

座長:木澤 義之(神戸大学医学部附属病院 緩和支持治療科),Catherine Evans(King's College London (Nursing))

木澤 義之 利益相反1~10:利益相反開示事項8(ACメディカル株式会社)、左記以外は該当なし
Catherine Evans 利益相反1~10:該当なし

[IS_55-2] Current status of advance care planning in Taiwan

Shao Yi Cheng (Associate Professor of Department of Family Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University /Director of Health Center, National Taiwan University)

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