緩和・支持・心のケア 合同学術大会2020

Presentation information


[JS_K] 支持療法の教育を考える

座長:齊藤 光江(順天堂大学 医学部乳腺腫瘍学講座),Matti Aapro(Clinique de Genolier Cancer Center)

齊藤 光江 利益相反1~10:該当なし
Matti Aapro 利益相反1~10:該当なし

[JS_K-3] Expert Training in Integrated Supportive Care for Cancer Survivors in Korea

Jong-Heun Kim1、Hyun Jeong Lee2 (1.Director, Department of Psychiatry, National Cancer Center Korea Former Head, Integrated Supportive Care Center for Cancer Survivors, NCC Korea President, Korean Psycho-Oncology Society ,2.Associate Scientist, Cancer Survivorship Branch, National Cancer Center Korea Staff Psychiatrist, Department of Psychiatry, National Cancer Center Korea)

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