International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2019

Presentation information

Poster Presentation

Poster Sessions

[Th-L] Poster Session

Thu. Sep 26, 2019 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM Lobby (2F, Okayama Convention Center)

Chair: T. Mito, S. Watanabe, H. Shishido

[Th-L-07] On the nature of surface states in BiPd.

*Arindam Pramanik1, Ram Prakash Pandeya1, Khadiza Ali1, Ganesh Adhikary2, A. Generalov3, A. Chikina3, C. Laubschat3, Denis Vyalikh3,4, Bhanu Joshi1, A. Thamizhavel1, S. Ramakrishnan1, Kalobaran Maiti1 (1. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research(India), 2. University of Nova Gorica(Slovenia), 3. Institute of Solid State Physics, TU- Dresden(Germany), 4. Donostia International Physics Center(Spain))

Keywords:Topological superconductor, Surface state, Spin texture, Photohole life time