International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2019

Presentation information

Poster Presentation

Poster Sessions

[Tu-E] Poster Session

Tue. Sep 24, 2019 4:45 PM - 6:30 PM Exhibition Hall (2F, Okayama Convention Center)

Chair: K. Izawa, T. Matsuda, Y. Nakanishi

[Tu-E-56] Metamagnetism in Correlated Electrons

*Arghya Taraphder4, S Acharya1, N S Vidhyadhiraja2, A Medhi3, D Parihari4 (1. King’s College London, Theory and Simulation of Condensed Matter, The Strand, WC2R 2LS London(UK), 2. JNCASR, Bangalore (India), 3. Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Thiruvanantapuram (India), 4. Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (India))

Keywords:metamagnetism, spin fluctuation, first order transition, local moments