


[ES5] ポスター発表 偶数

2017年12月23日(土) 15:00 〜 15:50 ポスターエリア (3階エキシビションホール)

15:00 〜 15:50

[P-96] 不思議生物ウミホタル~発光の謎に挑む~

加藤 伶音 (加藤学園暁秀中学校)

キーワード:Vargula hilgendorfii、illuminometer、Light emission、Salinity、ph、4 degrees Celsius、Electrical stimulation、Freshwater

Vargula hilgendorfii is a specie of crustacean that emits light in the night sea. The cause of light emission is unknown. We aim to discover if Vargula hilgendorfii emits light when they are exposed to danger. We succeeded in collecting more than a hundred Vargula hilgendorfii and kept them in a fish tank in our school. As we produced numerical data about the relationship between the temperature of the water and the amount of light being produced, we found out that both dried and live Vargula hilgendorfii had emitted the most amount of light when they were exposed to water that was 4 degrees Celsius and 50 degrees Celsius, and both are temperatures that Vargula hilgendorfii can’t normally live. Furthermore, Vargula hilgendorfii emitted more light when we put Vargula hilgendorfii in 9V of electricity and freshwater, which is at a low salinity level than sea water. These results support our hypothesis that Vargula hilgendorfii emits light when they are exposed to danger.