


Poster session (core time)


2021年10月19日(火) 15:30 〜 17:30 Area 01 (Remo )

[RP-P-01] Evaluating Oligocene Intra Platform Reef Carbonate Reservoir Potential Using Advance Model of Seismic Facies Analysis and Seismic Inversion – A Case Study Barito Basin Indonesia

*Yarris Ibdian Cakra1,2, Abdul Haris1, Afriadhi Triwerdhana2, Neni Herawati2 (1. University of Indonesia (Indonesia), 2. Pertamina EP (Indonesia))

Characterizing platform carbonate reservoir is a big challenge and requires more effort due to the lithology complexity. The Oligocene Middle Berai Platform Carbonate in the West of Barito Basin is an under-explored area, which is supported by the 2D seismic of 2015 vintage. The seismic data shows characteristics of mounded reflector configuration and lateral variation of seismic velocity as reef carbonate development indicators. The objective of this study is to evaluate the Intra Platform Reef Carbonate reservoir, where reservoir geometry is determined by facies seismic analysis and validated using Petrographic and Biostratigraphic reports. Thereafter rock properties are extracted using seismic inversion based on an advanced model. The acoustic impedance is expected to describe the development of reefal carbonate reservoirs in more detail, geologically make sense, and further predicting porosity. Validation result provides an overview of the estimated porosity range of reef facies 15-20%, reef debris 7-14%, and muddy facies 3-8%. These methods are effective in understanding the potential of Berai Carbonate Platform with reservoir properties and distribution. The results are successfully and significantly reduced exploration risk.

