The 8th domestic Conference of Society for Serviceology

Presentation information

Oral Presentation

Service quality/Customer satisfaction/Loyalty (1)

Thu. Mar 12, 2020 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM Room A (3rd Floor G22)

Chair:Takashi Taguchi

3:30 PM - 3:50 PM

[A-2-04] Characteristics of gaze behavior during customer service depending on skill level

Tazu Mizunami1, Nana Itoh1, Manabu Chikai1, *Hioshi Endo1, Tadakatsu Yamaguchi2, Rintaro Sohara2, Norihiko Ichikawa2, Miho Sobukawa2, Kohei Endo2, Yukiko Torii2, Hiroshi Sato1 (1. National Institute of Advanced industrial Science and Technology, 2. ALL NIPPON AIRWAYS CO., LTD.)

Keywords:Customer service, expert, gaze behavior, skill, Cognitive interaction

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