SMiRT 27(第27回原子炉構造工学会議)



50件中 (1 - 10)

  • | Division 8: Issues Related to Operation, Inspection and Maintenance

2024年3月7日(木) 08:50 〜 10:30 311/312 (Conference Center 3F)

Chair:Hajime Shohji(Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)
Co-Chair:Julia Tcherner (AtkinsRéalis)

  • | Division 5: Modelling, Testing & Response Analysis of Structures, Systems and Components

2024年3月7日(木) 08:50 〜 10:30 411 (Conference Center 4F)

Chair:Akemi Nishida(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Co-Chair:Alexey Berkovsky(CKTI-Vibrosesim)

  • | Division 5: Modelling, Testing & Response Analysis of Structures, Systems and Components

2024年3月7日(木) 08:50 〜 10:10 412 (Conference Center 4F)

Chair:Susumu Nakamura(N/A)
Co-Chair:Yves Mondet(Basler & Hofmann AG Consulting Engineers)

  • | Division 5: Modelling, Testing & Response Analysis of Structures, Systems and Components

2024年3月7日(木) 08:50 〜 10:10 413 (Conference Center 4F)

Chair:Peter Rangelow(Basler & Hofmann AG Consulting Engineers)
Co-Chair:Naoto Kihara(Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)

  • | Division 1: Mechanics of Materials

2024年3月7日(木) 08:50 〜 10:30 414 (Conference Center 4F)

Chair:Kenta Murakami(The University of Tokyo)
Co-Chair:Tetsuo Shoji(Touhoku University)

  • | Division 9: Fuel Cycle Facilities, Waste Management and Decommissioning

2024年3月7日(木) 08:50 〜 09:50 419 (Conference Center 4F)

Chair:Yuko Kani(Hitachi, Ltd.)
Co-Chair:Stephen(Steve) McDuffie(DOE)

  • | Division 8: Issues Related to Operation, Inspection and Maintenance

2024年3月7日(木) 10:55 〜 12:35 311/312 (Conference Center 3F)

Chair:Balázs Kocsis(MVM Paks NPP Ltd.)
Co-Chair:Kenta Murakami(The University of Tokyo)

  • | Division 6: Design Issues, Codes and Standards

2024年3月7日(木) 10:55 〜 12:35 313 (Conference Center 3F)

Chair:Yoshinori Mihara(Kajima Corp.)
Co-Chair:Sara Ghadimi(Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate)