SMiRT 27(第27回原子炉構造工学会議)


Division 5: Modelling, Testing & Response Analysis of Structures, Systems and Components

[Tu.1.F] Structures Response (1)

2024年3月5日(火) 08:50 〜 10:10 412 (Conference Center 4F)

Chair:Tatsuhiro Yamazaki(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Co-Chair: Izumi Nakamura(Tokyo City University)

08:50 〜 09:10

[Tu.1.F-01] Nonlinear Seismic Response Analysis of Nuclear Power Plant by 3D FEM Model
Validity of Model by Observation Record and Confirmation of Response to Large Acceleration Input Wave

*Tomoyuki Kido1, Tetsuo Shiota1, Takahiro Yamasaki2, Akira Ota3, Hideaki Sonobe3, Susumu Ino3 (1. Shikoku Electric Power CO., 2. Shikoku Research Institute Inc., 3. Taisei Corporation)

