SMiRT 27

Presentation information

Division 4: External, Internal Hazards and Load Characterization

[We.3.M] Missile Impact and Debris Flow

Wed. Mar 6, 2024 2:05 PM - 3:45 PM 419 (Conference Center 4F)

Chair:Kaniel Tilow(Simpson Gumpertz & Heger)
Co-Chair: Pekka Valikangas (Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Finland Nuclear Reactor Regulation)

3:25 PM - 3:45 PM

[We.3.M-05] Simulation of Debris Flow Using the Distinct Element Method

*Hitoshi Nakase1, Yusuke Kanai1 (1. Tokyo Electric Power Services co. Ltd.)

Only participants who have completed the registration to the conference have access to the full papers.

The password can be found in the e-mail sent from the Secretariat on February 22.
