IEICE Society Conference 2023

Presentation information


基礎・境界 » 一般セッション(A)

[A-10] システム数理と応用

Thu. Sep 14, 2023 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM 全学教育棟 本館 中棟 1階C10講義室



[A-10-16] Sparse Unbalanced Optimal Transport Optimization by Identifying Inactive Transport Paths

Xun Su, Zhongxi Fang, Hiroyuki Kasai (Waseda Univ.)

Keywords:Optimal Transport、Convex Optimization、Sparse Coding、Machine Learning

Develop an inactive transport path identifying method for the Unbalanced Optimal
Transport problem to accelerate optimization process by safely freezing inactive primal elements,

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