
Presentation information

基盤セッション 核化学

基盤セッション A: 核化学

基盤セッション A: 核化学

Thu. Sep 15, 2022 2:35 PM - 3:45 PM A会場 (小柴ホール)

Chair:Atsushi Toyoshima

3:30 PM - 3:45 PM

[1A14] Development of an Electron-Beam-Generated-Plasma (EBGP) ion source for study of atomic and chemical properties of superheavy elements

*Ryota Aoki1,3, Tetsuya K.Sato1,3, Yuta Uchibaba1,3, Yuta Miyachi2,3, Gyeongmin Gong1,3, Hina Natori2,3, Yuta Itou3, Masato Asai3, Kazuaki Tsukada3, Yuichiro Nagame3 (1. Graduate School of Sci. and Eng., Ibaraki Univ., 2. College of Sci, Ibaraki Univ., 3. ASRC, JAEA)

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