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特別セッション 核医学の礎を担う放射化学の新展開

特別セッション 2 核医学の礎である放射化学の新展開

特別セッション 2 核医学の礎である放射化学の新展開

Fri. Sep 16, 2022 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM A会場 (小柴ホール)

Chair:Atsushi Toyoshima

11:30 AM - 11:45 AM

[2A06] Production of [99mTc]NaTcO4 using an electron linear accelerator and activated carbon column chromatography and evaluation of its efficacy

*Jaewoong Jang1,3, Yoshitaka Kumakura2,3, Katsuyoshi Tatenuma4, Atsuko Nakanishi Ozeki3, Youichiro Wada3, Nobuyoshi Akimitsu3, Akira Tsuguchi4, Hidetoshi Kikunaga5, Shogo Higaki3, Mitsuru Uesaka1 (1. School of Engineering, University of Tokyo, 2. Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University, 3. Isotope Science Center, University of Tokyo, 4. Kaken Inc., 5. Research Center for Electron Photon Science, Tohoku University)

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