2023 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials


Oral Presentation

05: Photonics: Devices / Integration / Related Technology

[H-7] Si Photonics

2023年9月8日(金) 13:30 〜 15:00 Room H (232, Bldg. 2)

Session Chairs: Mizuki Shirao (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation), Hideki Ono (OKI)

14:15 〜 14:30

[H-7-03] Port switching of topological edge transmission using phase interference on Si-topological waveguide

Sho Okada1, Tomohiro Amemiya1, Itsuki Sakamoto1, Ken Hattori1, Nobuhiko Nishiyama1,2, Xiao Hu3 (1. Tokyo Tech. (Japan), 2. IIR (Japan), 3. NIMS (Japan))


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