2023 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials


Short Oral Presentation

10: Thin Film Electronics: Oxide / Non‐single Crystalline / Novel Process

[SO-PS-10] 10: Thin Film Electronics: Oxide / Non‐single Crystalline / Novel Process

2023年9月7日(木) 13:30 〜 13:50 Room E (223, Bldg. 2)

Session Chairs: Kaoru Toko (Univ. of Tsukuba), Ryo Matsumura (NIMS)

13:42 〜 13:44

[SO-PS-10-07] Nano-Scale InSnO Transistors with an On-State Current of 325 μA/μm at VD = 2 V

dengqin xu1 (1. peking Univ (China))

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