2023 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials

Presentation information

Short Oral Presentation

11: Advanced Materials: Synthesis / Crystal Growth / Characterization

[SO-PS-11] 11: Advanced Materials: Synthesis / Crystal Growth / Characterization

Thu. Sep 7, 2023 1:30 PM - 2:10 PM Room M (431, Bldg. 4)

Session Chairs: Shingo Ogawa (Toray Research Center, Inc.), Taizoh Sadoh (Kyushu Univ.)

2:00 PM - 2:02 PM

[SO-PS-11-16] Oxygen Adsorption on Pseudomorphic Fe(111)/Ru(0001) Surface: A combined LEED analysis and First-Principles DFT Study.

Dhiman Banik1, Yuka Nagamatsu1, Takeshi Nakagawa1 (1. Kyushu University (Japan))

Abstract password authentication.
PA password is required to view abstracts. You can find the password in the "Advance Program".The "Advance Program" is handed out at the registration desk to registered participants.
