17:30 〜 17:45
*Rui Ma1, Da Gao1, Kun-Hao Dong1, Alexander Mietke2 (1. Department of Physics, Xiamen University, 2. School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK)
Parallel Session
Topic 5: Biological physics
2023年8月8日(火) 17:30 〜 19:30 Classroom 207 (#207 in Building 1 of the School of Science, 2F)
chair:Hiroyuki Ebata
17:30 〜 17:45
*Rui Ma1, Da Gao1, Kun-Hao Dong1, Alexander Mietke2 (1. Department of Physics, Xiamen University, 2. School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK)
17:45 〜 18:00
*Yang bai1, liang luo2, xiongfei fu1 (1. Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology,Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2. Huazhong Agricultural University)
18:00 〜 18:15
*Meifang Fu1, Tom Burkart2, Ivan Maryshev2, Henri G Franquelim3, Adrián Merino- Salomón4, María Reverte- López5, Erwin Frey2,4, Petra Schwille5 (1. Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, 2. Arnold-Sommerfeld-Center for Theoretical Physics and Center for NanoScience, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany, 3. Interfaculty Center for Bioactive Matter (b-ACTmatter), Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany, 4. Max Planck Matter to Life School, Munich, Germany., 5. Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany. )
18:15 〜 18:30
*Yuka Sakuma1 (1. Department of Physics, Tohoku University)
18:30 〜 18:45
Tanmoy Sarkar1, *Oded Farago1 (1. Ben Gurion University)
18:45 〜 19:00
*Ryo Ienaga1, Kazusa Beppu2, Yusuke Maeda1 (1. Department of physics, University of Kyushu, 2. Department of applied physics, University of Aalto)
19:00 〜 19:15
*Anirban Sain1, Mainak Chatterjee1, Arkya Chatterjee2, Amitabha Nandi1 (1. IIT Bombay, 2. IIT Bombay - MIT Boston)
19:15 〜 19:30
*Akihisa Yamamoto1, Akihisa Fukuda1, Kentaro Hayashi1, Moritz Tremmel2, Yuichi Fukunaga1, Hiroshi Seno1, Motomu Tanaka1,3 (1. Kyoto Univ., 2. Karlsruhe Inst. Tech., 3. Heidelberg Univ.)
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