
Poster Session

Poster Presentation

Poster Session(Online)

2023年8月8日(火) 21:30 〜 23:00 Online (Online)

[PSc-07] Experience of using variants of approximations of binary correlation functions for calculations of free energy functional of simple liquids

*Evgenii Sergeevich Brikov1 (1. individual private researcher)

キーワード:quasicrystal model calculations by means of a variational principle, equilibrium statistical mechanics, Gibbs distributions, partial distribution functions and correlation functions, tangent transformation of the generating functional of correlation functions, direct variational method of the free energy functional, displaced and averaged Gaussian functions in 3-dimensional space (DAGF3D) for fitting of correlation functions, quasicrystal model approach of the theory of simple liquids, Hermit’s functions for approximations of correlation functions, calculation of multicenter integrals

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