
Parallel Session

Topic 1: General and mathematical aspects

Parallel Session [T1-11C]

2023年8月11日(金) 14:15 〜 15:30 Classroom 206 (#206 in Building 1 of the School of Science, 2F)

chair:Shunsuke Yabunaka

14:30 〜 14:45

[T1-11C-02] Universality of third-order phase transition and edge statistics

*Jitendra Kethepalli1, Manas Kulkarni1, Anupam Kundu1, Satya N Majumdar2, David Mukamel4, Gr´egory Schehr3 (1. International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, 2. LPTMS, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, Universite Paris-Saclay, 91405 Orsay, France, 3. Sorbonne Universit´e, Laboratoire de Physique Th´eorique et Hautes Energies, CNRS UMR 7589, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France, 4. Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001, Israel)

キーワード:Extreme Value Statistics, Power law model, Third order phase transition

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