Presentation information

Parallel Session

Topic 4: Disordered and glassy systems

Parallel Session [T4-11C]

Fri. Aug 11, 2023 2:15 PM - 3:30 PM Classroom 279 (#279 in Building 1 of the School of Science, 2F)

chair:Silke Henkes

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

[T4-11C-04] Critical dynamics of long-range quantum disordered systems

*Weitao Chen1,2,3, Jiangbin Gong1,2,3, Gabriel Lemarié 2,3,4 (1. Department of Physics, National University of Singapore, 2. MajuLab, CNRS-UCA-SU-NUS-NTU International Joint Research Unit, 3. Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore, 4. Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, UPS)

Keywords:Quantum multifractality, Algebraic localization, Floquet systems

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