
Parallel Session

Topic 8: Interdisciplinary and complex systems

Parallel Session [T8-09A]

2023年8月9日(水) 09:30 〜 12:00 Classroom 213 (#213 in Building 2 of the School of Engineering, 1F)

chair:Douglas Durian, Miguel A. Muñoz

11:00 〜 11:15

[T8-09A-06] Do strokes affect the brain's critical state? Investigating the role of connectome integrity

*Zbigniew Drogosz1,2, Jacek Grela1,2, Jakub Janarek1,2, Jeremi Ochab1,2, Pawel Oswiecimka1,2,3 (1. Inst. of Theor. Phys., Jagiellonian Univ., 2. Mark Kac Center for Compl. Syst. Research, Jagiellonian Univ., 3. Compl. Syst. Theor. Depart., Inst. of Nucl. Phys., Polish Acad. of Sciences)

キーワード:Computational brain models, Criticality, Strokes, Second-largest cluster

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