
Parallel Session

Topic 8: Interdisciplinary and complex systems

Parallel Session [T8b-07B]

2023年8月7日(月) 17:30 〜 19:30 Classroom 213 (#213 in Building 2 of the School of Engineering, 1F)

chair:Pragya Shukla, Mokhtar Adda-Bedia

18:45 〜 19:00

[T8b-07B-06] Homogeneous nucleation of failure in elastic materials

*Mokhtar Adda-Bedia1, Jay Fineberg2, Shahar Gvirtzman2 (1. Laboratoire de Physique, ENS de Lyon , 2. The Racah Institute of Physics, HUJI)

キーワード:Nucleation, Fracture

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