HASEGAWA Hideyuki, NAGAOKA Ryo (Graduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Toyama)
Session information
[JSUM] 血管
日本超音波医学会第92回学術集会 » 特別プログラム
Sun. May 26, 2019 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM 第10会場 (グランドプリンスホテル新高輪3F 平安)
座長:金田 智(東京都済生会中央病院放射線科), 三木 俊(東北大学病院生理検査センター)
SAITO Kozue (Department of Neurology, Stroke Center, Nara Medical University)
SAITO Kozue1, 2, KUMAMOTO Masashi3, YAMAGAMI Hiroshi4 (1.Department of Neurology, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, 2.Department of Neurology, Stroke Center, Nara Medical University, 3.Department of Cerebrovascular Medicine, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, 4.Department of Stroke Care Unit, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center)
KUBOTA Yoshinori1, YAMAMOTO Yoshinori1, HAMAGUTI Hirotoshi2 (1.Clinical Laboratory, kitaharima medical center, 2.Neurology, kitaharima medical center)