OMODANI Toru (Sports medicine & Joint Center, Funabashi Orthopedic Hospital)
Session information
[JSUM] 運動器
日本超音波医学会第92回学術集会 » 特別プログラム
Sun. May 26, 2019 10:10 AM - 11:40 AM 第9会場 (国際館パミール1F 瑞光)
座長:白石 吉彦(隠岐島前病院), 皆川 洋至(医療法人城東整形外科)
仲西 康顕 (奈良県立医科大学整形外科教室)
HATTORI Soichi1, 2, OHUCHI Hiroshi1 (1.Department of Sports Medicine, Kameda Medical Center, 2.Department of Clinical Anatomy, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School)
GOTO Hideyuki (Department of Health and Fitness, Faculty of Wellness, Shigakkan University)
MIYATAKE Kazuma, INABA Yutaka (Orthopaedics, Yokohama City University Hospital)