The 21st Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan

Presentation information


Teleimmersion, Telexistence

[11F] Teleimmersion, Telexistence 1

Wed. Sep 14, 2016 9:15 AM - 10:45 AM Room F (Conference Room 406)

Masahiro Furukawa(Osaka University)

10:00 AM - 10:15 AM

[11F-04] Study on Telexistence LXXXV Layered Presence: Expanding Visual Presence using Simultaneously Operated Telexistence Avatars

○MHD Yamen Saraiji1, Charith Fernando1, Kouta Minamizawa1, Susumu Tachi2 (1.Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, 2.The University of Tokyo)

This paper contains an overview for a novel technique to expand visual perception in Telexistence systems from one location to multiple locations. Layered Perception (LP) uses eye gaze perceptual awareness blending to combine visual feedback from several Telexistence robots into a single location, and each robot represents a layer of presence. By estimating the visual saliency of these layers and combining them into a single visual space based on user's eye gaze motion, we can expand user's visual awareness to these multiple locations simultaneously. Here we describe the design of the proposed system as well as several applications using it.



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