The 21st Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan

Presentation information


VR Psychology

[13B] VR Psychology: Body Feelings

Wed. Sep 14, 2016 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Room B (Conference Room 201B)

Junji Watanabe(NTT)

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

[13B-06] うつぶせ姿勢でのVR体験手法の提案

○Rei Sakuragi1, Vibol Yem1, Hiroyuki Kajimoto1 (1.The University of Electro-Communications)

Standing is a general posture in an interactive VR experience, but is has a big burden to the user by continuously lifting the arms. In this study, we propose to take prone position (i.e. lying with one’s stomach), and rotate the visual stimuli 90 degrees around the pitch axis. By this visual rotation, we expect that we feel as if we are standing, while the support of the arm becomes unnecessary. In this paper, we developed a system and evaluated the influence of the prone position on three-dimension interaction experience, in terms of the operation accuracy and fatigue.

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