The 21st Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan

Presentation information



[13C] Automobile & VR

Wed. Sep 14, 2016 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Room C (Conference Room 202A)

Hideaki Nii(IIJ innovation institute inc.)

2:15 PM - 2:30 PM

[13C-03] 自動車観光体験の向上のための記録映像の再構成に関する研究

○Shinsuke Izumida1, Toshiki Takeuchi1, Tomohiro Tanikawa2, Hiroyuki Onimaru3, Takuji Narumi2, Michitaka Hirose2 (1.Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo, 2.Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo, 3.Honda Motor Co. Ltd.)


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