The 21st Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan

Presentation information



[13D] IVRC(OS)

Wed. Sep 14, 2016 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Room D (Conference Room 202B)

2:45 PM - 2:48 PM

[13D-21] Fall Trip to Brazil

○Jin Himeno1, Toshiyuki Numata1, Ryo Fujii1, Riku Tazumi1, Juntaro Tamaru1, Kei Toriki1, Koichi Yamada1 (1.Waseda Univ.)

This is an experience to go to Brazil from Japan through a hole on the earth by dropping. Time to experience it is approximately 30 seconds.
The main experience is following:Experience to feel a change of dropping speed and gravity direction, Experience to look at and feel the mysterious world in the earth, Landing experience in the Brazilian ground. You can have an unknown experience such as passing the inside of the earth and changing of the gravitational size and the gravity direction.

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