The 21st Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan

Presentation information


Natural Language, IO Device

[13F] Natural Language, IO Device

Wed. Sep 14, 2016 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Room F (Conference Room 406)

Hideaki Kuzuoka(University of Tsukuba)

2:00 PM - 2:15 PM

[13F-02] Gaining conversation experience from system-generated conversations

○Junya Nakanishi Nakanishi1, Yoshihiro Sakatani1, Masataka Okubo1, Takuya Yamada1, Shohei Fujii1, Takahiro Komori1, Tadashi Nakano1 (1.Osaka University)

In this work, we divided conversation behavior into verbal and non-verbal behaviors and investigated the importance of these behaviors in interpersonal communication. First, we developed a text-based chat system that allows users to view system-generated conversations. In this system, users can control one’s non-verbal behaviors such as inputting and sending messages but cannot control the contents of conversation. We then used this system to evaluate whether users can gain conversation experience from system-generated conversations. Based on preliminary experimental results, we discuss the possibility of gaining conversation experience from conversations made between any two persons.

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