The 21st Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan

Presentation information


Multimodal, Crossmodal

[34B] Multimodal, Crossmodal

Fri. Sep 16, 2016 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM Room B (Conference Room 201B)

Sho Sakurai(University of Electro-Communications)

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM

[34B-04] Effects of vibration generated by auditory information on perceived reality in multimodal contents.

○Hiroyuki YAGYU1, Zhenglie CUI1, Shuichi SAKAMOTO1, Yôiti SUZUKI1, Jiro GYOBA2 (1.Research Institute of Electrical Communication / Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University, 2.Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University)

We have focused on the effect of vibration on perceived reality from multimodal contents. This study aims to investigate the effect of vibration information generated by low frequency components of auditory information on perceived reality. Generated vibration was combined with original audio-visual contents and presented to the observers. The results revealed that vibration information generated by auditory information could enhance perceived reality from multimodal contents even when the power of generated vibration was lower than that of original vibration.

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