The 30th World Buiatrics Congress 2018 Sapporo



ポスター発表 » Internal Medicine

[PS17] 17. Internal Medicine

2018年8月30日(木) 08:30 〜 16:00 Poster-2 (206)

Viewing Core time
10:15 - 10:45
13:15 - 14:00
16:00 - 16:30

J S Nickell1, 〇S Torres2, B Woodward2, Geert Vertenten3, D G Renter4, (1. MSD Animal Health; De Soto, KS, USA, 2. MSD Animal Health; Madison, NJ, USA, 3. MSD Animal Health; Boxmeer, The Netherlands, 4. Center for Outcomes Research and Epidemiology, Kansas State University; Manhattan, KS, USA)

Jeong-Byoung Chae1, Su-Hee Kim2, Changyong Choe2, Young-Hun Jung2, Jae-Gyu Yoo2, Kyoung-Seong Choi3, Do-Hyeon Yu4, Hyeon-Cheol Kim5, Bae-Keun Park6, Jin-Ho Park7, 〇Joon-seok Chae1 (1. College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University, 2. National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Development Administration, 3. College of Ecology and Environmental Science, Kyungpook National University, 4. College of Veterinary Medicine, Gyeongsang National University, 5. College of Veterinary Medicine, Kangwon National University, 6. College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University, 7. College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonbuk National University)

〇Peter Hut1, Lisa Paagman1, Jan van den Broek1, Jan Hulsen2, Arnold Harbers3, Gerrit Hooijer1, Elsbeth Stassen4, Frank van Eerdenburg1 (1. Department of Farm Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 2. Vetvice/Cowsignals, Bergharen, The Netherlands, 3. Nedap Livestock Management, Groenlo, The Netherlands, 4. Adaptation Physiology Group, Department of Animal Sciences, Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands)

〇Peter Hut1, Lisa Paagman1, Jan van den Broek1, Jan Hulsen2, Arnold Harbers3, Gerrit Hooijer1, Elsbeth Stassen4, Frank van Eerdenburg1 (1. Department of Farm Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 2. Vetvice/Cowsignals, Bergharen, The Netherlands, 3. Nedap Livestock Management, Groenlo, The Netherlands, 4. Adaptation Physiology Group, Department of Animal Sciences, Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands)

〇Thomas Wittek1, Walter Peinhopf2, Jutta Gottschalk3, Almut Einspanier3, Gabor Köller4, Michaela Maurer1 (1. Vetmeduni Vienna, University Clinic for Ruminants, Austria, 2. Dr. VET – Veterinarians, Lebring, Austria, 3. Leipzig University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Leipzig, Institute of Physiological Chemistry, Germany, 4. Leipzig University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Leipzig, Clinic of Large Animal Veterinary Internal Medicine, Germany)