The 30th World Buiatrics Congress 2018 Sapporo



ポスター発表 » Organic and Sustainable Production Systems

[PS20] 20. Organic and Sustainable Production Systems

2018年8月30日(木) 08:30 〜 16:00 Poster-2 (206)

Viewing Core time
10:15 - 10:45
13:15 - 14:00
16:00 - 16:30

Inmaculada Orjales1, Marta López-Alonso2, Ruth Rodríguez-Bermúdez2, Víctor Pereira2, 〇MARTA MIRANDA1, (1. Dpto. Anatomía, Produción Animal e Ciencias Clínicas Veterinarias. UNIVERSITY OF SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (SPAIN), 2. Dpto. Patoloxía Animal. UNIVERSITY OF SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (SPAIN))