The 30th World Buiatrics Congress 2018 Sapporo

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Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation » Infectious Diseases: Infectious Diseases: Parasitology

[PS15] 15. Infectious Diseases: Parasitology

Thu. Aug 30, 2018 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Poster-2 (206)

[PA-P02] Effect of population size in livestock neosporosis - a seroprevalence study in bulk milk samples in the north and centre of Portugal

〇Helena Vala1,2, D Gama3, A Rebelo A 4, M Pinheiro 4, AC Mega1,3, C Santos1,3, R Cruz1,3, JR Mesquita 1,3, F Esteves1,3 (1. CI&DETS, ESAV, IPV. Portugal, 2. CITAB, UTAD. Portugal, 3. ESAV, IPV. Portugal, 4. Proleite – Cooperativa Agrícola de Produtores de Leite do Centro Litoral)

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