World Bosai Forum/IDRC  2019 in Sendai

Session information

Oral Sessions


How to deal with intensifying cyclone disasters -lessons from the Built Back Better process-

Mon. Nov 11, 2019 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Room 1 (Main Hall)

Pacific Consultants Co.,Ltd.
Simultaneous Interpretation is available.(同時通訳有り)

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

*Ronnan Christian M. Reposar2, *Francisco Pereira3, Augusta Maita4, *Ahmad Dading Gunadi5, Masaaki Chida1, Hiroyuki Takamatsu1, Takuya Ito1 (1. Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd., 2. Palo Municipality, Republic of the Phillipines, 3. Reconstruction Cabinet, Republic of Mozambique, 4. National Disasters Management Institute, Republic of Mozambique, 5. SMEs and Cooperatives Development, BAPPENAS, Republic of Indonesa)



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