世界防災フォーラム/防災ダボス会議 @仙台2019


Flash Talk Presentation

Support for affected areas by "local residents" in the Great East Japan Earthquake "Connecting" town development by "collaboration"

2019年11月10日(日) 13:25 〜 13:40 Flash Talk Presentation 2 (Meeting Room 7)

Hideaki Murai.
Ikuo Oikawa

All Japan Council Company

13:25 〜 13:40

[MP1-03] Support for affected areas by "local residents" in the Great East Japan Earthquake "Connecting" town development by "collaboration"

Hideaki Murai. Ikuo Oikawa (All Japan Council Company )

Activity content ・ We worked on business incubation facility "container Oami" which was not used for making of local bustling before earthquake disaster, but warehouse suffered from Great East Japan Earthquake before completion. The facility was unfinished but staff were employed, so the staff started a cell phone charging service. ・ RQ Citizen's Disaster Relief Center starts supporting activities. So we decided to make an original design "Eco Brush" In order to look for areas that can be tackled by the village's friends, we will hold a knitting class by visiting 40 or more temporary houses and residents' associations. Develops and sells "Eco-Brush" as a community business.