世界防災フォーラム/防災ダボス会議 @仙台2019


Flash Talk Presentation

Enhancing the Access of Foreigners to the Disaster Relief Assistance

2019年11月11日(月) 12:55 〜 13:10 Flash Talk Presentation 2 (Meeting Room 7)

Ikuyo Kikusawa

Chief Researcher, Fukuoka Urban Research Center

12:55 〜 13:10

[MP2-09] Enhancing the Access of Foreigners to the Disaster Relief Assistance

Ikuyo Kikusawa (Chief Researcher, Fukuoka Urban Research Center)

Fukuoka City has seen a remarkable increase in the number of both international residents and foreign visitors. It is critical to strengthen disaster relief assistance for foreigners. The study focuses on the “access” of foreigners to the concerned assistance. Although disaster prevention information has been translated into multiple languages, whether the information is surely reached to target groups is not verified. The study examines the vulnerability and constraints of foreigners in the case of natural disasters, and see whether and how existing disaster management policy and information technology measures for disaster risk reduction respond to the constraints.